Lol. My blog so dead, haven't been updating. Sorry eh. Nothing to post about cause it's always school. /:
Really not in the mood to post, plus, busy with school.
Though it's the school holidays, i don't feel like it is. ._.
Have been going to school for extra classes,
then finally end. But, still have FNN coursework to do.
Actually not really boring to do coursework lah. Heehee. Okay okay only. Just that sometimes do until very angry. Because the computer/laptop doesn't want to co-operate with me!!
Last night, was doing courswork until 12am. Damn tired luh!
Thn still, the lap want to be opposition party. Something corrupted.
Damn pissed off. Cried. Idk why. ._.
Partly because i was tired alr but the lap doesn't want to co-operate. Lol.
This morning in school also. Cried. Again, idk why either.
Just damn pissed off.
I mean, when you have done something with all your heart. So hardworking doing it.
End up everything becomes corrupted, i think some people would throw the pc if that happens.
LOL. But not me. HAHAHHAHAHA. :D
Okay, have to finish up what's left for me for the coursework today. Tmr go school edit can go home alr. (:
Nowadays, always go library find auntie anna. I really like school library alot. It makes me feel like my second home. So comfortable. Can even relax. Auntie anna is very nice!! ((:
Tmr library's not open. D: So surely, aft fnn, straightaway go home alr. Gonna miss auntie anna. Hahahahhhahahahahah.
Heehee. Tmr fnn starts at 3pm and ends at 5pm. ((:
Start late, but can go back at the same time. Hah.
Love missD luh. lol.
Okay, enough of my craps. Going to proceed on my coursework alr.
Psst: Sorry Eric chen! Been taking your hard drive for so long. Feel really paiseh! Will return you soon kae! Sorry! :(
Psst: I miss Wall's. /: ; I miss sentosa more. /:
Pssst: Elvin ng. Heehee. Soooooo cute. :P Lovelove. (:
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