So long since i've last posted.
Lazy to post.
Busy as well.
I love busy life.
It keeps me away from thinking.
Anyway, i've been thinking about my 17th birthday on 5th may'2010 this year! Hahahaha.
I wanna note down my birthday list and see how many comes true!! lol.
1. I want bear to wish me happy birthday and MAYBE hand-made a pressie for me. (IMPOSSIBLE!!)
2. I wanna have a family outing/MAYBE JUST A dinner tgt. (Quite impossible for such situations now..)
3. I wanna spends time with my lovable friends and celebrate my birthday with them. (Primary schoolmates, Elves, Working colleagues, Secondary schoolmates, zss library people, Wall's people, Warren people, many many more.) (I'M GREEDY I KNOW!! BUT I'VE NEVER HAD ANY SURPRISE PARTY OR EVEN CELEBRATED MY BIRTHDAY WITH THEM. WITH A CAKE OBVIOUSLY. I'M GREEDY. SO THIS IS QUITE IMPOSSIBLE TOO. :( I GUESS.)
4. Unexpected birthday wishes from many especially from.. ehem ehem. (Don't think will come true)
5. Unexpected birthday pressies? :D (Everyone loves presents isn't it?? The joy of opening presents is unexplainable. I want, MANY, presents. lol.) (Impossible too! becuz since i don't know what age i've never got any presents already. really. sad die me.) -I want stuff toys. HAHAHAH! Ugly doll! Peddington bear! :(
6. The rest of my wishes is in my wish list on my blog. heh. i guess this is all i want, for now.. :D
Canon digital ixus 870 is..
bb! :)
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