Let me post about my last weekend.
Sunday !
Sunday i woke up at around 11am plus i think ?
Thn, bathe, and went out with daddy, mommy, sister, and brother. (:
Grandma went out early in the morning i guess. Lol.
daddy went for appointment at his customer's house.
So we waited for him to have lunch tgt as he said it would be a quick one..
Neither would we know we waited for almost 2 hours.. O.O
Let's skip that part ! Lol.
Thn daddy fetched us to Scotts road.
We took 190 to get to Orchard.
As we met our cousin and aunty at Heeren.
When i boarded the bus..
I saw Russell and Siyun. Lol.
They got off at far east. While we got off at Heeren.
Went to HMV. :D
Mommy buying for us things from there !
At first, wanted to buy those "real" superman or batman vintage tee from thr..
Got promo ! Only 2 for $60 ! But.. i was not interested in clothes leh. I think maybe cause i have lots of clothes alr !
So ite.. Bought a Side bag from there..
Which costs $39 ! Like. Wtf. (U'll know why i said it cost 39 bucks and it's like wtf.) Lol.
But i didn't regret buying it uh ! I find it cute ! ;D
Waited for daddy to fetch aft that,
Cousin and aunty went back.
Actually wanted to eat Yuan xiao dinner. but ite, ate only Meepok. .___. *Private matters*
But yesterday ! I got to eat Yuan xiao dinner. Heehees.
A lot of food, nice nice yum yum ! Heehee !
Homework for today is Chemistry worksheet, Chinese worksheet and SS Workbook !
Tmr F&N Essay questions test !!
Ughhhhh. .__. I haven't study. (Insert crying face here) Lol.
Like.. I gtg . Stop crapping alr. Bye !
Pictures time ! :D
This is the bag ! CUTE EHS ? :D :D :D