CSS. So many people chasing for singer dream. HOHOHO.
2352 : My number. SUI HOR? LOL.

Oh gosh.
Nothing to post about.
Oh. Something really embarrassing.
I went to try css. Lol.
So many people wanted to chase Singer dream? Lol.
So funny.
I was like, joking around the whole day.
Didn't really practiced for the singing.
Then i didn't got in as i nervous for the second round and sang the song one block one block. Haha.
Nevermind ! Just an experience. (: Try try only !
I don need the css to prove i sing well ! Lmaos !
And yeah,
Met a lot of new friends.
Kinda funny.
Met Amanda, Joselin, Jonathan, Brendon, Nicole, Li juan and another thye whye girl. (Forgot her name. Lmao)
Got one guy i saw kinda cute and handsome one.
Chay! He's a hongster.
Let me skip that part. {:
And weirdly.
I know a new friend.
Which i didn't really noticed him at the audition.
He didn't join one.
Got my number and smsed me at night. Lol.
And now, He's my gan-laogong. Lmao.
Only 2 people i knew there got in.
Joselin and Brendon ! Grats ! *_* Lol.
Going for a K-Box party ! Invited by Amanda.
This coming Friday. 14 oct. *-* Hehs.
Those new friends i knew at css are all going ! EEKKKK ! HOPE I COULD GO !! Lol.
Going to have that party at Cineleisure from 2-7:30 pm ! OMG OMG. I WANNA GO LAHHHHH. LOL.
Shall stop here. Nothing more to post about ler.
Byebye. {:
p/s: I don't know whether going yiling's downtown bday party anot !! -.-"
Stop it ! Whye am i still thinking and dreaming of you.
I don't wanna cry. ):
I really can't stop my mind from missing you .. )': !
Tag Replies :
J(!)♥: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So envious. I must catch everyday's 9pm show. D:
hj : O.O Nevermind. LOL. LAZY BUM! ;D
Nothing to post about.
Oh. Something really embarrassing.
I went to try css. Lol.
So many people wanted to chase Singer dream? Lol.
So funny.
I was like, joking around the whole day.
Didn't really practiced for the singing.
Then i didn't got in as i nervous for the second round and sang the song one block one block. Haha.
Nevermind ! Just an experience. (: Try try only !
I don need the css to prove i sing well ! Lmaos !
And yeah,
Met a lot of new friends.
Kinda funny.
Met Amanda, Joselin, Jonathan, Brendon, Nicole, Li juan and another thye whye girl. (Forgot her name. Lmao)
Got one guy i saw kinda cute and handsome one.
Chay! He's a hongster.
Let me skip that part. {:
And weirdly.
I know a new friend.
Which i didn't really noticed him at the audition.
He didn't join one.
Got my number and smsed me at night. Lol.
And now, He's my gan-laogong. Lmao.
Only 2 people i knew there got in.
Joselin and Brendon ! Grats ! *_* Lol.
Going for a K-Box party ! Invited by Amanda.
This coming Friday. 14 oct. *-* Hehs.
Those new friends i knew at css are all going ! EEKKKK ! HOPE I COULD GO !! Lol.
Going to have that party at Cineleisure from 2-7:30 pm ! OMG OMG. I WANNA GO LAHHHHH. LOL.
Shall stop here. Nothing more to post about ler.
Byebye. {:
p/s: I don't know whether going yiling's downtown bday party anot !! -.-"
Stop it ! Whye am i still thinking and dreaming of you.
I don't wanna cry. ):
I really can't stop my mind from missing you .. )': !
Tag Replies :
J(!)♥: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So envious. I must catch everyday's 9pm show. D:
hj : O.O Nevermind. LOL. LAZY BUM! ;D
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